Sunday, October 4, 2015

                                                                                                           October 4, 2015

Sutherland Church/St. Timothy's Anglican Church
630 East 19th Street

St. Timothy's Anglican Church
North Vancouver, B.C. Canada

In 2004 one hundred members of St. Martin's Anglican Church (See Blog Post April 6, 2014.) on Windsor Rd. in North Vancouver decided to establish the separate congregation of St. Timothy's Anglican Church. "...originally St. Timothy's was a part of the Anglican Mission (under Rwanda) from June 2004June 2012 ..." (REF 2.)  In 2005 St. Timothy's became  under the auspices of the Anglican Network in Canada.

St. Timothy's Church 
Outdoor Sign

"The Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) is a Canadian church established in 2005 under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, a province of the Anglican Communion. It was a founding diocese of the Anglican Church in North America in June 2009. It comprises 72 parishes in eight Canadian provinces and two American states.[2] The Canadian provinces with more parishes are British Columbia, with 26, and Ontario, with 25. Their first Moderator Bishop was Don Harvey, from 2009 to 2014, when he was succeeded by Charlie Masters.

"The stated mission of the Anglican Network in Canada is to "Build Bucolically faithful, Gospel sharing, Anglican Churches". The network desires to be used by God to build new churches and expand existing churches that it believes will be fully Anglican, bucolically faithful, evangelizing and disciplining.[5]
The Anglican Network in Canada, along with the ACNA and the majority of the Anglican Communion, uphold the historic Christian creeds, traditional moral and theological principles pertaining to the Trinity, Christian sexuality, and the authority of the Christian scriptures." (Link 2.)


The congregation of St. Timothy's Anglican Church celebrated their 11th anniversary this June 2015.  They have met at Sutherland Church (See Blog Post January 26, 2014.) for the last three years.  Previous to that they held Sunday worship services in two North Vancouver location.   First at the Food Bank on the corner of  Bewicke Ave. and the Low Level Road, then in the Lynn Valley Recreation Centre on Mountain Highway.


During Sunday worship services a special altar, lectern, communion table, and carrying cross is placed in the chancel.  These were all made by congregation member Gordon Barrett. The woods he used include: maple, oak, and cherry.     The wood grain on the front of the altar features repeated patterns suggesting the cross, Christ with arms raised in blessing, and a halo of radiance.  

Communion Table

The altar is on rollers so that it can easily be moved into the sanctuary for the service.   The back of the altar is open with shelves to accommodate all the altar and communion pieces.

The cloth adorning the altar made by Gordon Barrett is a donation from congregation member, Hazel Blacoe.  The fabric originated in Ireland and was her mother's treasured Irish linen bed sheet.  Hazel brought it from Ireland, never used it, but carried it with her as she moved to and across Canada before settling in North Vancouver.  The needlework was stitched by another congregation member, Nancy (Vondette) Nelson. (REF 3.)

Since the congregation of St. Timothy's does not have to support the upkeep of a building that portion of their giving goes to outreach in the community and mission. "St. Timothy's Church is dedicated to provide 10% of income from regular offerings to outreach projects at local, national and international levels. We strongly believe in the importance of supporting ministries and organizations in the areas of heath care, evangelism, mercy ministries, education, environment, church planting and church resourcing." (Link 1.)


Photos: Taken by SW in January of 2014 and May and June of 2015.
Link 1:
Link 2:
Reference 1: The Bible/New Testament/First Letter of Paul to Timothy and 
                          Second Letter of Paul to Timothy.
Reference 2: e mail from Rev. Ken Bell, Senior Priest at St. Timothy's Anglican
Reference 3: As described by Hazel Blacoe, 2017.

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